A Day in the Life Of A Dropshipper - Overview of Operational Tasks

dropship dropshipping Sep 16, 2023
Drop shipping Australia



Running a dropshipping business is no walk in the park, especially in the competitive Australian market. But the fruits of labor can be significant. As a budding entrepreneur or even an established business owner, it's crucial to be aware of the daily tasks that keep the wheels turning. Here, we break down ten essential tasks, from inventory management to customer service.


1. Inventory Management


Analysis and Restocking
One of the primary tasks for a dropshipper is keeping a close eye on inventory levels. For instance, imagine selling summer accessories. You notice that straw hats are flying off your virtual shelves faster than anticipated. Without physical stock, you're reliant on your supplier's inventory. Using tools like Oberlo or Shopify, you can set up alerts for low stock levels. So, when you're down to your last ten straw hats, it’s time to get in touch with your supplier.


Supplier Coordination
Build and maintain strong relationships with your suppliers. For instance, if you're dealing with a supplier based in Melbourne, and you realize there's a public holiday there, knowing this can help you manage expectations. Proactively checking in with them can offer insights into potential stock issues, upcoming sales, or even new product releases.


Product Research
The world of e-commerce is dynamic. Suppose you notice through Google Trends that beach umbrellas are the new rage this summer. That's a potential product to add to your store. Dedicate time to scour the market, identify emerging trends, and update your product list. Regular reviews ensure your offerings remain fresh and in-demand.


2. Customer Service


Responding to Queries
In our digital era, customers expect almost instantaneous responses. Imagine a customer in Perth is unsure about the size of a dress she's interested in. Replying promptly, perhaps even suggesting a size based on her measurements, can make all the difference between a sale and a lost opportunity.

Feedback and Reviews
Jane from Sydney leaves a review stating that the yoga mat she purchased feels more like a rug. Instead of ignoring, addressing this feedback, assuring her of a solution, or even offering a refund, builds trust. Regularly engaging with such feedback and reviews can turn potential PR crises into positive PR opportunities.

After-sale Service
You've made the sale, but the journey isn't over. For instance, Tom from Brisbane receives his camping tent but finds a tear in it. Handling such post-sale issues promptly and efficiently is crucial. Offering a hassle-free return or an immediate replacement ensures that Tom might return to your store despite the initial hiccup.


3. Marketing and Promotion


Content Creation
Content remains king in the e-commerce world. Publishing a blog post about "Top 10 Beach Essentials for an Australian Summer" not only showcases your products but also drives organic traffic to your site, potentially boosting sales.

Social Media Engagement
Imagine running a Facebook ad targeting users in Adelaide. Halfway through the campaign, you realize that beach slippers are particularly popular there. Regularly monitoring these campaigns allows for on-the-fly tweaks, maximizing ROI.

Email Campaigns
Sarah, from the Gold Coast, abandoned her cart containing a sunblock lotion. A strategically timed email reminder, perhaps with a 10% discount code, might nudge her to complete her purchase. Daily overseeing email campaigns can help capture such low-hanging fruits.


4. Order Management


Tracking and Fulfillment
Chris from Melbourne orders a BBQ grill. He expects timely updates on his order status. Using integrated tools, you can automate these updates, keeping Chris informed at every stage, from order confirmation to delivery.

Handling Returns
Mia from Hobart isn't thrilled with the hiking boots she received. They're a size too small. Allocating time daily to address returns ensures that Mia gets her replacement quickly, potentially turning her initial disappointment into a positive experience.

Supplier Invoice Management
Ensuring that your supplier's bills are paid on time is essential. For instance, if you're working with a supplier offering net-30 terms, marking that date on your calendar and ensuring timely payment can nurture this crucial relationship.  


5. Website Maintenance


Regular Updates
Your online store acts as the front face of your brand. Just as an outdated physical store can turn off customers, so can an outdated e-commerce platform. For instance, when there's a national surfing competition on the Gold Coast, featuring surfing-related products on your homepage can tap into the heightened interest. Regularly updating banners, product features, and even blog posts ensures that your website remains fresh and relevant.

The last thing you want is for a customer from Adelaide trying to check out the perfect pair of sunglasses and running into an error. Daily checks on critical functions, like the cart process, payment gateways, and product listings, help avoid lost sales due to technical glitches.

User Experience (UX) Optimizations
Imagine having a high bounce rate from your product pages. Dedicating time to analyze this can reveal issues—perhaps images take too long to load, or product descriptions are unclear. Addressing these ensures customers have a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.


6. Financial Management


Daily Sales Review
Having a clear picture of your financial health is vital. If you notice that sales of camping gear are spiking due to an upcoming music festival in Byron Bay, you might decide to push these products even more. Reviewing sales figures daily can highlight such opportunities.

Budget Monitoring
A sudden spike in Instagram ad costs might indicate a misconfigured ad or an overly broad target audience. By keeping a daily tab on your expenses, you can quickly adjust and allocate resources more effectively, ensuring you get the most out of every dollar spent.

Profit Analysis
Revenues are essential, but understanding profits is crucial for sustainability. Let's say you're offering free shipping for orders above $100, but an analysis reveals it's cutting deep into your margins. It might be worth considering a slight increase in the threshold or looking for cheaper shipping alternatives.


7. Market Research


Competitor Analysis
Keeping a pulse on what your competitors are doing can be enlightening. Perhaps a competitor in Sydney has started offering same-day delivery, and it's becoming a hit. Monitoring these trends daily can guide your strategy, helping you stay ahead or at least on par with the competition.

Trend Spotting
The e-commerce landscape is ever-evolving. Maybe tie-dye patterns are making a massive comeback. By using tools like Google Trends and regularly browsing fashion or tech forums, you can anticipate demand and adjust your product lineup accordingly.

Customer Feedback Loop
Engaging with your audience can provide direct insights into what they desire. For instance, through a feedback form, several customers might express interest in eco-friendly packaging. Recognizing and acting on these can carve out a unique niche for your store in the crowded market.


8. Team Communication


Daily Stand-ups
If you have a team assisting you, daily check-ins can be invaluable. A short morning meeting where everyone aligns on the day's tasks, such as marketing campaigns or website updates, ensures that all cogs in your business machine move in unison.

Feedback Sessions
Maybe your graphic designer has a new idea for social media banners, or the customer service team has noticed a recurring product issue. Regularly tapping into the collective intelligence of your team can bring forward innovative ideas and solutions.

Training and Development
The world of dropshipping is dynamic. Perhaps there's a new Shopify plugin that can streamline order processing. Encouraging and allocating time for your team's continuous learning ensures that your business remains on the cutting edge.


9. Strategy Review


Sales and Targets
It's essential not only to set targets but also to review them. Maybe you've set a goal to achieve 500 sales in June, but by mid-month, you're already at 400. Regular reviews can allow for goal adjustments and strategy tweaks, ensuring you're always aiming higher.

Marketing Strategy
Let's say your email campaigns to Melbourne have a fantastic open rate, but in Brisbane, it's abysmal. Regular reviews can help identify such patterns, allowing you to tailor your approach for maximum impact.

Supplier Relations Strategy
Building robust supplier relationships is crucial in dropshipping. If a supplier in Perth consistently delivers quality products on time, perhaps it's time to negotiate better rates or exclusivity deals. Regularly reviewing these relationships can lead to more favorable terms and better product offerings.


10. Legal and Compliance Checks


Reviewing Supplier Contracts
Regularly reviewing the terms with your suppliers is a must. For instance, if a supplier has recently shifted to eco-friendly products but at a slightly higher price, understanding these changes ensures you're always compliant and aware.

Data Protection
With stringent data protection laws in Australia, ensuring that customer data is securely stored and processed is paramount. Daily checks on your e-commerce platform's security protocols, especially after updates or changes, can prevent potential breaches.

Regulatory Updates
The e-commerce and dropshipping landscape can be subject to regulatory changes. Being abreast with Australian consumer protection laws or import regulations ensures your business always operates within legal confines.



Running a dropshipping business in Australia is undoubtedly demanding, but with a clear understanding of daily tasks and a systematic approach, it can also be immensely rewarding. By focusing on these areas, you're better equipped to navigate the challenges and leverage the opportunities in the vibrant world of online retail.




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