Dropshipping Australia: Scam or Sustainable Business Model?

dropship dropshipping motivation Jun 08, 2023
Drop shipping Australia


Dropshipping has become a buzzword in the e-commerce realm in recent years. This business model, where retailers manage sales and marketing but never hold inventory, has gained traction globally, including in Australia. Amid the hype, questions have inevitably arisen, with some considering dropshipping a scam and others lauding it as a sustainable business model. So, which is it? Let's delve into the dropshipping landscape in Australia and answer that question.


Dropshipping 101

First, let's recap what dropshipping entails. In essence, dropshipping is a retail fulfilment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party — typically a wholesaler or manufacturer — who then ships the product directly to the customer. This model allows the retailer to focus on marketing and customer service, leaving the inventory management and fulfilment logistics to the supplier.


The Rise of Dropshipping in Australia

The e-commerce boom in Australia has led to a proliferation of dropshipping businesses. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with physical retail stores closing or limiting operations, consumers increasingly turned to online shopping. This shift offered a ripe environment for dropshipping, especially for entrepreneurs seeking to start low-cost, low-risk online businesses.


Misconceptions and Controversy

Dropshipping, like any business model, is not free of controversy. The most common misconception is that it's a 'get-rich-quick' scheme. Many online courses and influencers may imply that with dropshipping, you can make a fortune overnight with minimal effort. This perspective is misleading and can often be mistaken for a scam.

Running a successful dropshipping business requires considerable effort, especially in product selection, supplier relationships, customer service, and marketing strategy. Profit margins can also be thin, as the dropshipper must absorb the cost of goods, shipping, taxes, and marketing while maintaining competitive retail prices.


The Sustainability of Dropshipping

While dropshipping is not a fast track to easy wealth, it can be a sustainable business model when approached correctly.

  1. Low Startup Costs: One of the most significant advantages of dropshipping is the relatively low startup cost. You don't need to invest heavily in inventory, storage, or a physical storefront. An online store and a reliable supplier are the main prerequisites.

  2. Flexibility and Scalability: Dropshipping allows for flexibility in product offerings, as you can add or remove products based on trends and customer demand without worrying about unsold inventory. The model is also scalable; as your business grows, you can add more products and suppliers without significant additional investment.

  3. Geographic Independence: Dropshipping businesses can operate from anywhere, as long as there's an internet connection. This flexibility can be an advantage for entrepreneurs in Australia, where large geographic distances can otherwise be a barrier to traditional retail.

However, to sustain a dropshipping business, certain challenges must be addressed:

  1. Building Trust: As a dropshipper, building customer trust is crucial. Customers may be wary of longer shipping times often associated with dropshipping, or of issues that may arise when the retailer is not in direct control of inventory or fulfilment.

  2. Managing Suppliers: Identifying and managing reliable suppliers is another key factor. Supplier errors, low-quality products, or slow delivery times can damage your brand reputation.

  3. Differentiation: In a saturated online market, how will your dropshipping business stand out? Successful dropshippers often focus on a niche product or market and invest heavily in customer service and marketing to differentiate themselves.


Dropshipping in Australia: Scam or Sustainable Business Model?

Given the discussion above, it's clear that dropshipping is neither a scam nor an automatic ticket to success. Like any other business, it is a venture that requires strategic planning, diligent execution, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

Regulations and Legal Considerations

The legitimacy of dropshipping is supported by the Australian legal framework. Australia has strong consumer and business protections that govern all businesses, including dropshipping. The Australian Consumer Law protects consumers from misleading and deceptive conduct, and all businesses must comply with these regulations.

Customer Service as a Cornerstone

A sustainable dropshipping business invests heavily in customer service. This is even more critical when you don't control the inventory or shipping. Open, responsive, and empathetic communication can mitigate many customer concerns. Building a good return policy and quickly addressing any issues or mistakes can also increase customer trust and loyalty, leading to repeat business.

The Importance of Marketing and SEO

Marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are vital for visibility in the crowded online marketplace. Social media advertising, email marketing, and content marketing can help attract customers to your site. Effective SEO ensures that your site appears in search engine results when customers look for the products you offer.

Working with Reliable Suppliers

Partnering with reliable suppliers is crucial in the dropshipping model. Working with suppliers who deliver high-quality products on time will protect your brand's reputation. Vet potential suppliers carefully, consider their shipping times, and perhaps order samples to verify product quality.

Embracing Sustainability

Increasingly, consumers and businesses alike are prioritizing sustainability. Selecting eco-friendly products, using minimal packaging, and working with suppliers with ethical labour practices can enhance your brand image and align with modern consumer values.



To label dropshipping as a scam would be a gross simplification. Yes, it's been tainted by the get-rich-quick crowd who overpromise and underdeliver, but the model itself is sound. It's a low-cost, flexible, scalable retail method that can provide a pathway to business ownership for entrepreneurs who might not have been able to afford traditional retail setups.

However, sustainability in dropshipping doesn't come without hard work and smart strategies. Customer service, marketing, SEO, reliable supplier partnerships, and a commitment to sustainability are all crucial factors to consider.

So, if you're thinking about starting a dropshipping business in Australia, don't be put off by the naysayers. Do your research, set realistic expectations, and plan your strategy carefully. Dropshipping isn't a ticket to overnight riches, but with the right approach, it could be a sustainable and successful business venture.


Ready to get started with your own drop shipping business? Check out all the Australian "Done For You" dropship stores on our marketplace! They are completely set up, optimised, have great reliable Aussie suppliers in place and are 100% ready to start advertising.

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