How to Set Up an Affiliate Program for Your Dropshipping Store

dropship dropshipping marketing Jul 25, 2023
Drop shipping Australia


Affiliate programs are a potent marketing tool for any online business, and dropshipping is no exception. By leveraging affiliate marketing, you can harness the power of word-of-mouth, expand your reach, and increase sales—all while only paying for results. But how do you set up an effective affiliate program for your dropshipping store? In this post, we’ll guide you through ten crucial steps, from understanding what affiliate marketing is and why it’s beneficial to selecting the right software, setting competitive commission rates, recruiting affiliates, and more.


1. Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Grasping the Concept

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where you reward affiliates (also known as publishers) for each customer they bring to your store through their marketing efforts.

The Importance of Affiliate Marketing

For dropshipping businesses, affiliate marketing can provide several advantages. It can help increase brand visibility, expand customer base, and boost sales. Plus, it's cost-effective since you only pay for results.

Example in Action

Amazon runs one of the most successful affiliate programs in the world, the Amazon Associates program. Affiliates promote Amazon products, and for each sale made through their referral link, they earn a commission.


2. Planning Your Affiliate Program

Define Your Goals

Before setting up your affiliate program, clearly define your goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, boost sales, or enter new markets? Your goals will guide the structure of your program.

Determine Key Aspects

Decide on the key aspects of your program, such as the commission structure, payment terms, and the types of affiliates you wish to work with.

Example in Action

Shopify has a well-structured affiliate program. They offer a generous commission to affiliates, clearly define payment terms, and work with a diverse group of affiliates including bloggers, influencers, and educators.


3. Choosing Affiliate Program Software

Importance of Reliable Software

To manage your affiliate program effectively, you need reliable software. It will handle tracking affiliate referrals, commission calculations, payouts, and reporting.

Considerations for Selection

When choosing software, consider factors such as ease of use, integration with your ecommerce platform, customizability, customer support, and cost.

Example in Action

ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, and Refersion are popular affiliate program software platforms known for their robust features and reliability.


4. Setting Competitive Commission Rates

Attracting Quality Affiliates

To attract quality affiliates, you need to offer competitive commission rates. Research industry standards and what your competitors are offering to ensure your rates are enticing.

Balancing Profitability

While it's important to attract affiliates with attractive commissions, you also need to ensure your program remains profitable. Strike a balance between offering competitive commissions and maintaining your profit margins.

Example in Action

Bluehost, a web hosting company, offers affiliates $65 for each referral, which is competitive within their industry, ensuring the attraction of high-quality affiliates while maintaining profitability.


5. Creating an Affiliate Agreement

The Need for an Affiliate Agreement

An affiliate agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your affiliate program. It defines the responsibilities of both parties and helps prevent misunderstandings.

What to Include

Your agreement should cover aspects such as the rules of promoting your products, payment terms, grounds for termination of the agreement, and legal considerations.

Example in Action

WP Engine, a WordPress hosting company, has a detailed affiliate agreement. It clearly outlines the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for affiliates.


6. Setting Up Your Affiliate Program on Your Website

Make It Easy for Affiliates

Ensure that it's easy for potential affiliates to find and join your affiliate program. Set up a dedicated page on your website explaining the benefits of your program, the commission structure, and how to join.

Consider a Registration Form

Consider using a registration form to collect information about your potential affiliates. This can help you vet potential affiliates and ensure they align with your brand.

Example in Action

ASOS has a dedicated page for their affiliate program on their website. It clearly explains the benefits of their program, how it works, and how to join.


7. Recruiting Affiliates

Finding Potential Affiliates

Recruiting the right affiliates is crucial for the success of your program. Look for affiliates who align with your brand, have a substantial following, and whose audience matches your target customers.

Approaches for Recruitment

Approaches can include direct outreach, advertising your program, or listing your program in affiliate networks.

Example in Action

Grammarly actively recruits affiliates through direct outreach, a dedicated affiliate page on their website, and listing on affiliate networks such as CJ Affiliate.


8. Providing Affiliates with Marketing Materials

Importance of Marketing Materials

To help your affiliates succeed in promoting your products, provide them with marketing materials. This can make their job easier and ensure your brand is represented correctly.

Types of Marketing Materials

This can include product images, banners, promotional copy, and any other content that helps affiliates promote your products effectively.

Example in Action

Canva provides its affiliates with a range of marketing materials, including banners, promotional copy, and custom links.


9. Tracking and Managing Your Affiliate Program

Monitoring Performance

Once your program is up and running, it's essential to track its performance. This can help you understand what's working, what's not, and where improvements can be made.

Key Metrics to Track

Key metrics to track include the number of active affiliates, sales generated, conversion rate, average order value, and commission paid out.

Example in Action

HubSpot, a marketing software company, has a comprehensive tracking system for their affiliate program, enabling them to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions.


10. Maintaining Relationships with Affiliates

Importance of Good Relationships

Building and maintaining good relationships with your affiliates is crucial for the longevity of your program. Affiliates who feel valued are more likely to promote your products enthusiastically.

Ways to Nurture Relationships

Regular communication, timely payments, providing feedback, and offering incentives are all ways to nurture your relationships with affiliates. 

Example in Action

SEMrush, a digital marketing software company, maintains strong relationships with its affiliates by ensuring timely payments, providing feedback, and regularly communicating updates about the program and product offerings.



Affiliate marketing can serve as a significant booster for your dropshipping business when planned and executed well. It provides the potential for increasing your customer base and sales without the need for a huge marketing budget. Remember that a successful affiliate program is not solely about getting as many affiliates as possible. It's about fostering relationships with quality affiliates who believe in your products and brand.

By understanding affiliate marketing, planning your program carefully, choosing the right software, setting competitive commission rates, crafting an affiliate agreement, setting up your program effectively on your website, recruiting the right affiliates, providing them with the tools they need, tracking your program's performance, and maintaining good relationships with your affiliates, you'll be well on your way to setting up a successful affiliate program for your dropshipping store.

Don't forget, the key to success lies in continuous learning, adapting, and innovating. Monitor the performance of your affiliate program, learn from the data, and continually optimize for better results. Your journey to a successful affiliate program for your dropshipping store starts now!


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