Money Is In The List: Email Marketing To For Your Dropshipping Store

dropship dropshipping marketing Aug 07, 2023
Drop shipping Australia



The formula for ecommerce success is no secret—find the right product, advertise it effectively, and give your customers a seamless purchasing experience. However, one critical component is often overlooked: email marketing. "The money is in the list" is a common adage in the digital marketing world, underscoring the value of an engaged, targeted email list for your dropshipping store. This blog post breaks down ten key strategies for leveraging email marketing to drive sales.


1. Build a Robust Email List


A. Understand the Importance

One of the foundational steps in email marketing is building a solid email list. This list represents your audience, your potential customers, and individuals already interested in your products or services. A high-quality email list is a business asset that offers access to a market that’s already warm to your offerings, making it an essential resource for any dropshipping business.

B. Ways to Build Your List

Start by offering an incentive to prospective subscribers—an exclusive deal, free shipping on their first order, or a valuable piece of content. Here are a few ways you can grow your email list:

  • Pop-up forms on your website
  • Links within blog posts or articles
  • Social media campaigns
  • Collaboration with complementary businesses

C. Use the Right Tools

There are several email marketing tools that make it easier to collect and manage emails. Services like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or Sendinblue have features for managing subscribers, creating email campaigns, and analyzing your email marketing efforts.


2. Personalise Your Emails


A. Personalisation is Key

Personalized emails can help to improve open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, sales. Personalisation goes beyond just using the subscriber's name—it's about understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviours.

B. Methods of Personalisation

  • Segmentation: Divide your list into smaller segments based on their characteristics or behavior. This can include factors like age, location, past purchases, or browsing history.
  • Dynamic Content: This refers to the content that changes based on the recipient's information, offering a customised experience to each subscriber.

C. An Example of Personalisation

For example, if you're running a dropshipping store selling tech gadgets, you could send personalized emails to customers who recently viewed wireless earbuds, offering a 10% discount on that specific product.


3. Regularly Clean Your Email List


A. The Importance of a Clean List

Over time, you will have inactive subscribers or invalid email addresses in your list. These can negatively impact your open and click-through rates, and it can lead to higher bounce rates. Regularly cleaning your list can improve your email marketing performance.

B. Cleaning Your List

Cleaning your email list involves removing inactive subscribers and making sure your list only contains valid email addresses. You can use email validation tools to check the validity of the emails on your list.

C. Impact of a Clean List

For instance, suppose you remove 500 inactive subscribers from your list. Although your list size decreases, your open rate and engagement metrics increase because you are now sending emails to people who are actually interested in your products. This increases the chance of conversions and sales.


4. Send Abandoned Cart Emails


A. The Power of Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails serve as gentle reminders to customers who added items to their cart but left without making a purchase. These emails have high open and click-through rates, and they can significantly boost your store's conversion rates.

B. Implementing Abandoned Cart Emails

To implement this strategy, you need to set up an automated email sequence that triggers when a customer abandons their cart. This sequence typically involves one to three emails reminding the customer of their unpurchased items and sometimes offering a discount or incentive to complete the purchase.

C. An Example

For instance, after two hours of cart abandonment, you could send the first email reminding the customer about their unpurchased items. If there is no response, you could send a second email after 24 hours, offering a 5% discount if they proceed to checkout within a specific timeframe.


5. Provide Value in Your Emails


A. Value over Promotion

While it's tempting to constantly push for sales in your emails, providing value to your subscribers helps build trust, and in the long run, encourages customer loyalty. This can mean offering useful content, expert advice, or exclusive offers.

B. Ways to Provide Value

  • Educational content related to your products
  • Tips and tricks
  • Exclusive discounts or early access to new products

C. An Example

For a dropshipping store selling skincare products, sending emails with skincare tips, DIY face mask recipes, or expert interviews about skincare routines would provide value to subscribers and build a deeper connection with them.


6. Optimize Your Emails for Mobile


A. The Importance of Mobile Optimization

Most people access their emails on their mobile devices, so optimising your emails for mobile is crucial. If your emails aren't mobile-friendly, you risk having high unsubscribe rates and low engagement.

B. How to Optimize for Mobile

To optimize your emails for mobile, ensure that your email design is responsive. This means it automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of the device it’s being viewed on. Also, keep your subject lines short, use a readable font size, and ensure your call-to-action buttons are easily clickable.

C. Impact of Mobile Optimization

Optimising your emails for mobile can drastically improve your email engagement rates. According to a study by Mailchimp, mobile-friendly email campaigns can increase unique opens by 15%.


7. Test and Optimize Your Emails


A. Importance of Testing

Testing different aspects of your emails allows you to understand what works best with your audience. It enables you to make data-driven decisions and continually optimize your email marketing strategies for better results.

B. What to Test

You can test elements like:

  • Subject lines
  • Email content
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Send times

C. An Example

For example, if you test two different subject lines—"Save 10% on Your Next Order" vs. "Exclusive Discount for You"—you might find that the second one results in a higher open rate. This insight could inform your approach to crafting subject lines for future emails.


8. Use Automated Email Sequences


A. The Power of Automation

Automated email sequences can save you time and ensure that you’re consistently engaging with your audience. They allow you to send personalized, targeted emails to your subscribers based on certain triggers or actions.

B. Types of Automated Sequences

Automated sequences can include:

  • Welcome series for new subscribers
  • Post-purchase follow-ups
  • Abandoned cart reminders
  • Re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers

C. An Example

For instance, you could set up a welcome series that sends an introductory email when a user subscribes, a follow-up email a few days later with a discount code, and another email a week later featuring your best-selling products.


9. Monitor Your Performance Metrics


A. Importance of Monitoring Metrics

Keeping a close eye on your email marketing metrics is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your efforts. It allows you to see what's working, what's not, and to make necessary adjustments.

B. Key Metrics

Several metrics can help you measure the success of your email marketing campaign:

  • Open Rate: This measures the percentage of recipients who opened your email. It helps you understand the effectiveness of your subject lines and timing of your emails.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your email. It's a good indicator of how engaging your email content is.
  • Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of recipients who completed the desired action (like making a purchase). This is perhaps the most crucial metric for your sales.
  • Bounce Rate: This measures the percentage of emails that couldn't be delivered. A high bounce rate could indicate issues with the quality of your email list.

C. Utilizing Metrics

Suppose your latest campaign had a lower open rate than usual. In that case, you might decide to experiment with more compelling subject lines. Conversely, if your CTR is low, your email content might need to be more engaging or your calls-to-action more persuasive.


10. Leverage Email Marketing Best Practices


A. Following Best Practices

Email marketing isn’t just about sending emails to your list—it’s about sending the right kind of emails. Following email marketing best practices can increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and foster a better relationship with your subscribers.

B. Some Email Marketing Best Practices

  • Use a compelling subject line
  • Keep your design simple and clean
  • Use clear, concise, and persuasive language
  • Include a clear call to action
  • Ensure your emails are compliant with regulations, like GDPR

C. An Example

For instance, let's say you're sending an email about a new product in your store. You could use a subject line like "New Arrival: The Perfect Addition to Your Collection." The email design could be clean and minimalistic, showcasing the product effectively. The content of the email could detail the benefits of the product, ending with a clear call-to-action like "Shop Now."




With a well-executed email marketing strategy, your dropshipping store can cultivate strong relationships with your subscribers and drive more sales. The key is to focus on building a quality email list, personalising your emails, providing value, optimising your emails for mobile, testing, using automated sequences, monitoring your metrics, and following email marketing best practices. Remember, the money truly is in the list, and email marketing is the way to unlock its potential.


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