The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Your Australian Dropshipping Business

dropshipping virtual assistant Jun 03, 2023
Drop shipping Australia


In the dynamic e-commerce landscape, businesses need to stay agile, cost-effective, and customer-centric. One such business model that has seen a surge in popularity is dropshipping. Australian entrepreneurs, in particular, have embraced dropshipping, finding it a practical approach to run an e-commerce business without needing to hold inventory. However, as your dropshipping business grows, you might find that the administrative and operational tasks can get overwhelming. This is where a virtual assistant (VA) comes in handy.

A virtual assistant can help manage tasks like customer service, order processing, supplier communication, and marketing. Hiring the right VA can substantially ease the workload, allowing you to focus on strategic areas to grow your business. In this post, we will explore the step-by-step process of hiring a virtual assistant for your Australian dropshipping business.


Understanding the Need

The first step towards hiring a virtual assistant (VA) is understanding the exact nature of assistance you need. Evaluate your business operations, identify tasks that are time-consuming or not your strengths, and tasks that can be performed remotely. Common tasks delegated to VAs in dropshipping businesses include order processing, customer service, inventory management, supplier communication, and marketing.

Understanding your requirements is crucial as it allows you to hire a VA with the right skill set. If your biggest challenge is handling customer inquiries, hiring a VA with excellent communication skills and experience in customer service would be beneficial. Similarly, if social media marketing is taking up too much of your time, a VA with a background in digital marketing would be a valuable addition to your team.

Identifying these needs will also help you in deciding whether to hire a part-time or full-time VA. If you have a high volume of tasks to be outsourced, a full-time VA might be required. However, if the tasks are relatively fewer, a part-time VA could suffice.


Deciding on Local or International

The next decision to make is whether you want to hire a local Australian VA or an international one. Each option comes with its own set of benefits. A local VA would have a strong understanding of the Australian market, language nuances, and customer behavior. They would also be in the same time zone, making communication and coordination easier.

International VAs, especially those from countries like the Philippines and India, offer services at competitive rates, making them an affordable choice if budget is a concern. Furthermore, many of these VAs are fluent in English and are familiar with Western work culture. However, you need to consider time zone differences which may affect work schedules and turnaround times.

The decision should be based on your specific business needs. If your business primarily caters to an Australian clientele and needs real-time collaboration, hiring local may be a better choice. However, if cost-effectiveness is a priority and the tasks can be done regardless of time zones, an international VA might be the ideal choice.


Writing a Detailed Job Description

A well-crafted job description is vital in attracting the right candidates. It should clearly state the role's duties and responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. For example, if the VA's job is to handle customer inquiries, the job description should specify that they'll need to respond to emails, handle chat support, and manage social media interactions.

Additionally, specify the work hours especially if you want the VA to be available during peak Australian business hours. State whether the VA needs specific knowledge, such as familiarity with a particular dropshipping platform or the Australian e-commerce market.

By being clear and detailed in the job description, you can ensure that you only attract candidates who are truly capable of handling the responsibilities that come with the job. It also helps potential candidates to understand whether they're a good fit for the role, reducing the risk of hiring someone who is not up to the task.


Choosing Where to Hire

There are several online platforms where you can hire VAs. Upwork and Freelancer are among the most popular platforms and have a broad global pool of candidates with varied skills. They offer robust mechanisms to manage contracts, make payments, and resolve disputes, which is beneficial for both parties.

Another platform,, is geared towards VAs from the Philippines. Filipino VAs are known for their proficiency in English, work ethic, and familiarity with Western work culture. The platform is a great place to find a wide variety of VAs from generalists to specialists.

Each platform has its unique features, so choose one that best fits your hiring needs. Remember, it’s crucial to review the candidates' profiles carefully, paying special attention to their skills, experience, reviews from previous employers, and their response time.


Interview Process

Once you receive applications, it's time to conduct interviews. During the interview, focus not only on the candidates' skills but also on their personality traits. Questions should revolve around their experience with similar tasks, understanding of the dropshipping model, and familiarity with Australian market specifics if needed.

A key factor to consider is the candidate's problem-solving capabilities. Since they'll be working remotely, they should be able to handle situations independently. Ask about instances where they faced challenges in their previous roles and how they overcame them. This will give you insights into their problem-solving skills and their capacity to handle pressure.

Communication is another important aspect to focus on. Ensure that the candidate can communicate effectively in English, as they might need to interact with customers, suppliers, or even you. An assistant with poor communication skills could lead to misunderstandings, affecting your business operations.


Onboarding and Training

Once you have selected your VA, the next step is the onboarding process. It's vital to set the right expectations at this stage. Communicate your business goals, work ethics, and the specific responsibilities they need to undertake. Introduce them to the tools you use, like Shopify, Oberlo, or any other dropshipping and communication software.

Training your VA properly will pay dividends in the long run. Remember, every business has unique aspects, and expecting your VA to understand all of these without proper training is unrealistic. Share with them your business process manuals, recorded videos, or any other materials that can help them understand your business better.

Keep in mind that training is not a one-time process. It's an ongoing activity that should be based on your VA's performance and changing business requirements. Provide regular feedback and refresher training sessions whenever necessary.


Managing Your VA

Managing a VA can be a unique challenge given the remote nature of their work. The key here is to establish a clear and effective communication system. Regular updates on work progress and any challenges faced should be encouraged. For this, you can use tools like Slack for instant communication, Asana for task management, or Trello for project management.

When setting tasks, be clear about what you need and when you need it. Set measurable goals so both you and your VA know what is expected. It's also beneficial to have regular video calls to discuss any issues and to ensure that your VA feels connected to your business.

If you have hired an international VA, be mindful of the time difference. Find a work schedule that is convenient for both of you to ensure smooth communication and efficient working. Respect their local holidays and personal time to maintain a healthy working relationship.


Review and Feedback

An essential part of managing a VA is to conduct regular performance reviews. This allows you to assess if their work is up to the mark and if they are contributing positively to your business. During these reviews, discuss what they are doing well and where improvements can be made.

Feedback is a two-way street. While you should provide constructive criticism to your VA, also ask for their feedback. They may have valuable insights into improving business operations or suggestions on how they can work more effectively.

Remember to appreciate their good work. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and your VA is no exception. A simple thank you or words of appreciation can go a long way in keeping your VA motivated.



Hiring a virtual assistant can significantly impact your Australian dropshipping business, freeing up your time to focus on strategic growth areas. The key to a successful hire lies in understanding your needs, effective screening, thorough onboarding and training, and maintaining open communication. It might seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, you can find a VA who will be a valuable addition to your business.


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